Boost Your
CAT Percentile
in 07 Days With AI CoTutor
Boost Your CAT Percentile in 07 Days
CAT Prep is an AI-driven 07-days CAT preparation challenge to cover important topics, mock tests & interviews to make you IIM-ready.

Co-built with students who are already at

You'll Need to
Nail Your Prep.
Daily Sessions
Need to prepare for an interview? Why not start preparing with the best mock interview AI?
Mock Tests
Want to study for exams quickly? Let Exthalpy Exam AI help you cover lengthy topics quickly.
Mock Interview
Want to study for exams quickly? Let Exthalpy Exam AI help you cover lengthy topics quickly.
Introducing CoTutor's 7-days percentile booster challenge.
Exthalpy is an AI-first, socratic learning platform. We use the power of AI to teach you lessons in the finest and most personalised way.
What's in the challenge?
No need to turn your head to find different platforms for different objectives. We got everything covered for you.

07x30-minutes chat/audio sessions
Need to prepare for an interview? Why not start preparing with the best mock interview AI?
07x30-minutes mock interviews
Don’t think that your school teacher taught the topic well enough? The socratic doubt solver will answer all your doubts and questions.
07x30-minutes interactive mock test
Want to study for exams quickly? Let Exthalpy Exam AI help you cover lengthy topics quickly.
Access of AI-backed SIP writer
Your personal socratic AI will help you learn any topic in detail and filled with joy and excitement. No more boring lectures.